OK, so this might not be the most exciting of subjects, but understanding the conventions of Cosworth part numbers can save a lot of time and effort. If you’re trying to identify a part then the part number that might be marked on it can give you several clues as to what engine it came from.
To understand the history of Cosworth part numbers, let’s go back 65 years to when Cosworth was first formed. Cosworth’s first foray into engines centred on modifications to the Ford Anglia engine, producing components like camshafts. They soon progressed to building cylinder head assemblies, followed by complete engines that were designated Mk I, Mk II, Mk III, Mk IV, etc, followed by engines such as the MAE, SCA, FVA and DFV.
One of Cosworth’s early strengths was that every part was identical from batch to batch, so it was easy to swap parts between engines. There were minimal modifications required prior to fitting each part, and this made engine build a lot quicker and far more reliable. They achieved this through very detailed drawings and technical specifications that would give the manufacturer all the information they needed to produce the part. Cosworth would then book the part into stores when it was either manufactured in-house or bought in. Then all Cosworth had to do when building the engine was to book out the required parts and assemble them into the engine.
The production and tracking of components for these engines necessitated a system to keep track of the parts that would be required – the parts list. Hence each part needed its own unique part number, one that could be used to track the life of the part through design, manufacture and assembly. Cosworth quickly realised that random part numbers wouldn’t work, and that they would need to have a system to follow to generate each part number.
The Project Codes
The system that Cosworth devised was fairly simple (remember KISS – Keep it Simple, Stupid!). Every part number consisted of two letters that designated the project code followed by four numbers, for example YB1429. With the amount of engine projects rapidly expanding as the company developed, this system meant that one could instantly identify which engine the part was intended for.
There were over 50 different project codes, and some of these never saw the light of day, but here are some of the more common ones, arranged in alphabetical order:
Project Code
BD series
CA series (Formula 1)
CK series (Ford CR series Formula 1)
FVA series
HB series (Formula 1)
JD series (Ford Zetec-R Formula 1)
SCA series
Lotus Twincam
TJ series (Ford CR & RS series Formula 1)
VJ series (Ford Zetec-R Formula 1)
WA series (Mercedes-Benz)
XB series (Indy Car)
XD series (Indy Car)
YB series
Cosworth also used other project codes in their part numbers, especially for parts that might be used on one or more projects. These included:
PP/PR – ‘proprietary parts’, these were for parts that were bought in
LL – ‘liner length’, these were bought in parts that were supplied by length, such as O-ring cords
DE – electronics parts
PA – this code was used for pistons
KK – these were kits of parts, like piston rings
The codes were supposed to be unique for each project, but occasionally the same code was used for two different projects. For example, CA was meant to be the code for the Cosworth 4WD Formula 1 project in 1969, but it was also used for the V8 Formula 1 engine in 2006.
The Casting Codes
Cosworth also had another set of project codes, called the ‘casting’ code, that were specifically for parts like castings, forgings and billets. Again, these codes were linked to the engine project, and Cosworth instigated a clever way of defining the casting code. The first letter was the same as that for the project code, and for the second letter, just go 13 letters along in the alphabet. So, for example, the casting code for YB was YN.
There were some exceptions, and there was also a rule that letters like I and O had to be skipped as they could be confused with numbers, but on the whole the casting codes followed this pattern.
This brings us to an important point. Many people incorrectly identify a part by the casting number, but this only identifies the part when it is in its part-finished form. For example, in the photo below, YN0627 is the part number of the YB head casting, not the finished machined component.
There will be a number of different types of cylinder heads that are machined from the YN0627 casting, so knowing just the casting number doesn’t completely identify the head. Here are the part numbers for the heads for the different types of YB engine:
Engine Type
Cylinder Head Part Number
Another example of a common misconception comes with pistons, which had a forging code of PM. Cosworth would imprint the forging part number into the forge tool, and this would be visible on the piston. But the PM part number only referred to the part number of the forging, not that of the machined piston. Given that the same forging could be used for a variety of different pistons, it is the finished part number that is required.
The Four Numbers
As mentioned, the part number consisted of two letters followed by four numbers. For most projects, four numbers would be enough, as it would be extremely unusual for a project to need more than 9,999 part numbers.
At first these four numbers were sequential, starting with 0001. Usually each project had its own folder that listed these numbers so that there could be no duplication. Over the years, Cosworth started to instill some ‘intelligence’ into these four numbers. The four numbers would begin with an 8 for assemblies, and numbers beginning with 05 were reserved for schematic drawings.
At one point Cosworth also introduced a rule that said that the last number would odd for left hand components and even for right hand components.
Certain projects stipulated more rules for the four numbers, such as reserving 0001 for the cylinder block, 0002 for the LH cylinder head, 0003 for the RH cylinder head and 0010 for the crankshaft. However, this rule was fairly short-lived.
Cosworth used the part number on all documentation, including drawings (as per the example of a drawing excerpt above for our YB1429 WRC head gasket), purchase orders and invoices.
SAP & Sequential Part Numbers
These fairly simple rules for defining the part number with the project code and four numbers ran fairly smoothly for a number of decades. However, all this came to an end when Cosworth launched SAP at the beginning of 2007 as its new ERP (enterprise resource planning) system.
SAP was essentially a giant database that contained virtually all of the company’s records. It enabled Cosworth to be able to keep track of the entire life of a component, from design through to manufacture, assembly and usage. But one of the problems of SAP was that it was no longer possible to allocate part numbers that followed Cosworth’s rules. (Actually, this proved not to be true, but by the time a solution had been found, it was too late.)
Instead, the company switched to sequential numbers starting at 20000000. There was a central computerised database that would supply the next number available, but without the intelligence that the old part numbering had provided.
To make matters more confusing, for the first few months Cosworth used numbers starting at 10000000 to identify raw materials and kits. You’ll notice that some of our piston sets follow this pattern, such as 10001487 for our BDG Hoyle piston sets.
If you’ve survived to the end of this article, then congratulations. It is definitely not the most riveting of subjects, but will hopefully help to shed some light on how to identify Cosworth components.
https://modatek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/DFV-Parts-List.jpg15122016Matthew Granthttps://modatek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Modatek-Logo-V3-Logo-for-Header-2-300x137.jpgMatthew Grant2024-05-02 13:45:442024-10-07 08:08:51COSWORTH PART NUMBERS EXPLAINED
The humble valve spring might appear to be a relatively simple piece of engineering, but in reality it can be the most highly stressed component in a race engine. The move to faster engine speeds and more aggressive cam profiles can often result in terminal failure of the springs leading to catastrophic engine failure, prompting spring replacement earlier than preferred. Engine builders and manufacturers are therefore focusing more and more efforts on ways to increase the life of the spring to avoid costly engine rebuilds.
In essence, the prime function of the spring is to provide a force that will keep the reciprocating movement of the poppet valve under control throughout the entire cycle of the engine and at all operating speeds. Loss of this valve control can lead to valve-to-piston contact, extreme loading of the seat in the cylinder head, bouncing of the valve on the seat and damage to the tip of the valve.
A compression spring like those found in engines provides a reactive force when its length is reduced, predominantly owing to a twisting motion of the coiled wire. Under just a static load, it can be assumed that the load in each coil is identical, and if the coil geometry is uniform along the spring axis then the stiffness of each coil is also identical. The highest stress will occur on the inside diameter of the spring, which is where one could expect failure to originate from.
Spring Surge
Of course, when the engine is running, the linear motion of the valve imparted by the rotation of the cam lobe causes a continuous compression and expansion of the spring. As a result, the dynamic loading on the spring has to include the inertia of the spring, which is not considered under static loading. It is the dynamic loading from the inertia that will result in the most common of spring issues, namely spring surge.
Spring surge can be described as vibration of the spring that occurs at a harmonic of the spring’s natural frequency. When describing surge, the movement of each particle of the spring needs to be considered, and in a way this movement of each coil can be seen visually with a child’s Slinky toy spring.
During the initial opening phase of the lift curve, the spring is compressed and the spring coils accelerate. The uppermost spring at the camshaft end will see the entire inertia of the spring, but each successive coil sees less inertia loading thanks to the lower mass below it and lower acceleration due to a smaller deflection. As a result, as we move down the spring away from the camshaft, each coil accelerates and moves at lower values than the one above it. This begins the first compressive wave of the coils, with the camshaft end closing up quickest.
At around the mid-point of the travel of the valve, its acceleration is zero, and at this instant the coils all move at the same speed. Then, as the valve begins to decelerate, the coil furthest from the cam starts to close up more than those above it, creating a compression wave going in the reverse direction. It is this continual cycle of the compression wave that creates a vibration in the spring and is referred to as surge.
Preventing Surge
Whilst there are numerous tricks to reduce or even eliminate surge, the most obvious one is to create a spring with a natural frequency well outside of the running range. The movement of the valve is dictated by the profile of the cam lobe, and can be mathematically broken down into a series of sinusoidal curves with Fourier analysis, from which the harmonics of the profile can be derived, which are expressed as multiples of the camshaft rotational speed.
When one of the harmonics coincides with the spring’s natural frequency, the effects of surge will be pronounced and can result in the compression wave spiralling out of control, leading to loss of contact between the spring and the retainer and spring seat at either end, plus the build-up of excessive stresses in the coils. As the amplitude of the lower harmonics are larger than those of the higher harmonics, some spring designers will recommend that the natural frequency of the spring is at least eight times the frequency of spring operation, whilst some technical publications quote 15-20 times.
Wire Geometry
The cross-section of the wire is usually circular or ovate; the latter term actually means egg-shaped, but in the case of springs this can also be any elliptical shape made up from a number of radii, and can be either symmetrical or non-symmetrical. An ovate spring will typically have the major axis perpendicular to the spring axis, which helps to reduce the stress on the inner diameter as the maximum area of the wire is at the point of highest stress, and can lead to a shorter spring length owing to the wire being slightly flattened.
However, some of the higher grades of steel do not work well with the dies used to make the ovate wire shape, as the additional carbon can extrude the special dies needed to form the more complex cross-section. Consequently, the round wire can be made with more carbon content than an ovate wire. It is also harder to control the orientation of the ovate profile when coiling the spring, as it will have a tendency to twist down the length of the spring during coiling. In fact, changing the external shape of the spring can have a far stronger effect on the life of the spring than using an ovate cross-section.
Spring Shape
Nowadays there are a myriad of options available for the external shape of the spring’s helical coils, although they can be broken down loosely into three categories: straight, conical and beehive.
Conical and beehive springs are termed as progressive, as the stiffness will vary with length. This is also a case for springs with an unequal pitch between the coils along the length of the spring. In progressive springs, each coil has a different stiffness, which means that when the spring is compressed, the coils with a lower stiffness will deform more than those with a higher stiffness. Eventually the less stiff coils become coil-bound (where adjacent coils come into contact), which reduces the number of active coils available as the load is increased, increasing the overall stiffness of the spring in a progressive manner. As the stiffness is varying, so too is the natural frequency, hence in theory progressive springs are less susceptible or even immune to the problem of spring surge.
Both beehive and conical springs also have an advantage over a straight spring in that the retainer can be smaller, which in turn can lead to reduced valvetrain reciprocating mass. The springs themselves can also be lighter, and so the inertia of the upper coils will be lower. One final observation made by a spring supplier is that conical springs can also have a natural alignment action that is very beneficial for very small valve stem diameters.
Nested Springs
Another solution to surge is to use nested springs, where two or three springs are used in parallel, with smaller springs packaged inside larger ones. As with progressive springs, the stiffness of the combined spring varies with length, and each spring will have a different natural frequency, again helping to avoid surge.
The outer diameter of the inner spring and the inner diameter of the outer spring are usually chosen so as to create a small amount of interference between the two springs (as is the case with our DFV valve springs). It is essential that the direction of windings is different between the springs, otherwise they will get caught up in one another. The interference will provide a means of damping, allowing unwanted energy to be converted to heat from the friction between the two springs.
When run for extended periods, this interference will of course wear the surfaces of the springs and reduce the life of the nested spring assembly. Owing to titanium’s inherent nature to gall (the macroscopic transfer of material between metallic surfaces) when in contact with other titanium surfaces, titanium nested springs cannot be run with interference.
Where the designer wants to avoid contact between the inner and outer springs, stepped retainers and spring seats can be used. This will separate the two springs to eliminate friction and hence damage to the surfaces.
The size of the spring is determined by multiple factors: the cam profile and associated lift, acceleration rates and opening, closing, flank, nose and seating velocities; valve train masses; the moment of inertia of the rocker (if present); the operating speed of the engine. All of these parameters will give an idea of the required amount of spring travel, spring force and spring rate that is going to be required to control the valve at speed.
Because of the high stresses that the spring will experience, special care has to be paid to the cleanliness of the raw material, the surface finish and any methods that can be used to leave compressive residual stresses in the surface that would counteract the stresses from running.
When choosing a material, spring manufacturers will look at its torsional modulus of rigidity and torsional yield strength, as well as the more practical requirements such as cost and availability. Most compression springs are made from steel or titanium drawn wire, with the former being more common.
The actual chemical composition of the steel alloys used by spring manufacturers remains a closely guarded secret, which is understandable given the intense amount of research and testing they carry out to find the perfect mixture of elements. However, what is known is that most steel alloys used in spring manufacture will contain chromium and silicon. Vanadium is also included at small levels to increase the strength of the material, along with manganese, molybdenum and nickel in some cases.
Titanium springs are usually made from Beta-C and LCB (Low Cost Beta) titanium alloys. Titanium can offer the benefit of lower density and higher strength, plus better resistance to corrosion when compared with steel. However, its cost can often mean that that titanium springs are about five times more expensive than their steel counterparts. Also, some of the steel alloys used nowadays have proven to have higher fatigue limits than the titanium alloys available.
The manufacture of a steel valve spring starts with the material being rolled into rods by a specialist steel mill, that is capable of producing the level of cleanliness required for racing.
Some steel mills will take extra steps to ensure that any inclusions in the microstructure are pushed into the centre of the wire, where the stresses during running will be lower. Also, great care is taken to make the inclusions smaller (it is the inclusions that can make the wire brittle), giving rise to the term ‘superclean’ chrome-silicon as used by some steel mills.
The wire is drawn down to size by pulling the rod through a series of dies, all the while being tested and scrutinised in line with the manufacturer’s quality standards. Attention is paid to tensile strength, surface inspection and chemical analysis, and eddy-current testing is used to verify the surface (an electromagnetic field is created around the wire to allow for microscopic identification of any surface defects such as pitting, cracks and corrosion).
Some spring manufacturers will also use scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) and X-ray diffraction machines (XRDs) to check for material integrity. An SEM allows metallurgists to view the surface topography and composition, while an XRD can measure compressive residual stresses. Such methods can be incorporated into various stages of the manufacturing route of the spring to ensure no degradation in quality.
The wire is then shaped into the designed helical coil pattern using CNC machines to control the winding of the wire onto mandrels, with the wire being either hot or cold. The use of such complex machines allows for better repeatability between batches of springs and improved accuracy in the pitch and diameter of the coils. Next, the spring has to be stress relieved. The coiling stage permanently deforms the wire, creating harmful residual stresses, and so a heat treatment operation at a relatively low temperature is needed to remove them. Note that coiling is more complicated when the wire’s cross-section is not circular.
With the shape of the spring now complete, attention is then paid to the ends of the spring. It is imperative that the end faces of the spring are perpendicular to the axis of the spring and parallel to each other so that the forces will be evenly distributed in the valve stem. As a result, the ends are ground. As the grinding can leave sharp edges, a finishing step is carried out to remove uneven areas on the surfaces of the ends. Without this final operation, the edges could break away into the cylinder head chamber or dig into the retainer and spring seat, creating fatigue crack initiation sites.
Surface Treatments
At this stage, there are numerous processes that spring manufacturers will carry out to increase the life of the spring. We will look here at shot peening, nitriding, polishing and cryogenic treatment, but there are numerous other techniques that manufacturers are less willing to reveal, for obvious reasons.
Owing to its cost-effectiveness and practicality, shot peening is a relatively common technique to impart a compressive stress in the surface. Here, small spherical beads made from steel, glass or ceramic are fired onto the faces of the spring in a controlled manner. The impact of each bead will create a dimple in the surface, stretching it, and below the dimple the movement of the material creates the compressive stresses required.
There are three parameters that can be varied to alter the magnitude and depth of the compressive stress – bead size, intensity and coverage. In general smaller size beads will yield a more polished surface. The intensity is the amount of energy used to project the beads, while the coverage is the amount of area that is impacted by the beads (note that this is always more than 100%). All these variables will depend on the material of the spring and any subsequent processes.
Nitriding is a heat treatment procedure that will diffuse nitrogen into the surface of the spring to give a case-hardened surface and can also impart a compressive stress into the surface. A harder surface is especially useful in a nested spring design, where there is interference between the springs.
In gas nitriding, the spring is placed in an oven at temperatures of about 500°C for a period of time while ammonia is flowed around the spring’s surface. The alternative to gas nitriding is plasma nitriding. Whereas gas nitriding relies on a high temperature to create a reaction with the surrounding gases, plasma nitriding uses intense electric fields to create ionised molecules of the gas (usually nitrogen) around the spring’s surface. Note that if a spring is to be both shot-peened and nitrided, the nitriding step is carried out first, otherwise the high temperatures during nitriding would relieve the compressive stresses induced at the shot-peening stage. The added advantage of nitriding first is that the substrate is harder, so the compressive stress from shot peening is increased.
One or more refinement procedures are also usually carried out to remove any remaining surface defects and imperfections, both between certain operations and at the end of manufacture. Electro-polishing is one such method that has been proven to be beneficial, although it can lead to hydrogen embrittlement, to which the high-strength alloys can be susceptible. However, a combination of chemical and mechanical isotrope finishing is becoming more common, and this creates a polished mirror-like surface without the issues seen with electro-polishing. Some manufacturers will go even further after polishing by adding a final peening operation with minute beads (often referred to as micro-peening or nano-peening).
A final operation carried out after all or some of the above is to pre-set the spring. Here, a relatively large load is applied to the spring, such that while the centre of the wire is elastically deformed, the surface of the wire undergoes plastic deformation. This procedure will set the free length of the spring, as the plastic deformation means that the spring will not return to its original length. Pre-set springs are less likely to relax over time, and if the pre-setting is carried out at a controlled elevated temperature than the spring will be more capable of withstanding service in hot environments too.
Despite every effort in design and manufacture to increase the reliability of valve springs, spring suppliers see a surprising number of failures due to improper installation. One of the more common issues they see is incorrect design of the retainer. The spring needs to be correctly contained in the retainer to stop it from excessive lateral movement, but not overly constrained such that it is forced into the retainer.
Handling the springs also has to be done with care to avoid damaging the surface. They should never be placed in a vice or pliers, and plastic tooling should be used when separating interference-fit nested springs. Also, springs that have been delivered with a rust preventative coating should not be cleaned with acidic or evaporative cleaners, as this can cause rapid drying and promote the formation of rust on the surface of steel springs.
A static spring testing machine can be used when selecting and fitting valve springs to confirm the rate of the load versus deflection; such machines can detect the onset of binding of the coils.
The life and maximum operating envelope of many race engines is restricted by the valve spring. While it is possible to extend the life of the spring by reducing engine speed or compromising on cam profiles to lower the acceleration of the valve, there are numerous methods available in the design and manufacture of the spring that should be considered – wire cross-section, the geometry of the helical shape and a combination of nested springs can all be exploited to reduce or even eliminate certain failure modes. Numerous manufacturing processes exist that will create beneficial compressive stresses at the surface.
The Cosworth DFV and the CA engines represent bookends of nearly half-a-century of normally aspirated Formula One engines. These two engines allow for a discussion of how Cosworth was able to double both engine speed and power output, as well as guarantee a staggering threefold increase in engine life. In this special tech feature we’ll compare these two engines, taking a closer look at some of the critical components.
An Icon in F1 History – the DFV
Very few companies can survive more than 60 years of trading and still follow the founders’ original mission intent. In the cut-throat world of motor racing this is an exceptionally rare feat, and one only has to look at a race report from half-a-century ago to see that most of the teams and engine suppliers of the time have since disappeared, falling foul of financial setbacks, changes in regulations and necessary diversifications away from motorsport.
Yet one company has flourished since its inception in 1958 and can still claim to be true to its roots. That company is Cosworth, built on the foundation that “it must be possible to make an interesting living messing around with racing cars and engines”, as decreed by founders Keith Duckworth and Mike Costin.
In 1967 Cosworth launched the DFV into Formula 1, initially for Team Lotus, and it instantly became a race winner. The following year the DFV was made available to other teams, and it went on to become the most successful engine ever in the history of Formula 1, scooping 155 wins, 12 drivers titles and 10 constructors titles.
The first DFVs might only have been able to delivery just over 400 bhp and reach 9,000 rpm to start with, but as each failure mode was methodically overcome (starting with the valve spring, then torsional gear drive problems), power and speeds gradually rose. By the time the DFV had finished active service in 1985, peak speed had topped 11,000 rpm and power was in excess of 500 bhp.
Working in conjunction with Lotus, the DFV was the first successful Formula One engine designed to be a fully structural member of the chassis, with mounts on the heads, cylinder block and sump connected to the chassis and gearbox bulkheads.
The DFV had a V8 configuration, with the two banks separated by a vee angle of 90 degrees, and for various reasons had the air intake to the two cylinder heads in the centre vee and the exhausts on the outside of each bank, running down either side of the engine below the heads.
The auxiliary water, oil and scavenge pumps were housed on either side of the cylinder block, tucked away underneath the exhausts and driven by a belt that in turn was driven by the nose of the crankshaft. The drive to the camshaft gears was via a series of gears at the front of the engine, again driven from the crankshaft nose. In the centre vee sat the alternator and fuel pump assemblies.
The Need for Speed – the CA
Some 40 years later, Cosworth launched what would turn out to be their final V8 Formula 1 engine, codenamed the CA. Formula 1 engine regulations had gone through many changes since the advent of the DFV, with brief interludes of turbocharging in the mid-80s, followed by a return to normally aspirated 3.5 litre engines up until the end of 1994, and then 3 litre engines in various configurations.
When the CA was first launched in 2006, and with no regulations capping speed, a mind-boggling and class-leading 20,000 rpm was attainable in qualifying, and by the end of that same season the CA could run up to that speed over an entire race distance. Frustratingly though, regulations aimed at reducing soaring development costs had capped the maximum engine speed to 18,000 rpm when Cosworth returned to Formula One with a modified CA in 2010.
Even so, peak power of 780 bhp was attainable, almost twice that of the DFV when it was first launched, despite a reduction of 14% capacity. Perhaps more impressively, there was a huge jump in engine mileage. The DFV competed at a time of unlimited engine changes, and hence only had to be capable of completing one race distance. Fast forward to the 2010-2013 era, and drivers were only allowed 8 engines for the entire season, which meant that the CA had to be capable of completing around 1,500 miles between rebuilds.
Comparing the DFV and CA
What is perhaps surprising is that the CA’s overall architecture was almost identical to the DFV’s, save for the removal of belt drives and the repositioning of the alternator and fuel pump (in subsequent Cosworth Formula One engines the alternator was relocated to the back of the left-hand auxiliaries, while the fuel pump ended up submerged in the car’s fuel tank and driven by a quill shaft from one of the drive gears on the front of the engine). While Duckworth would certainly never claim to have pioneered this layout, it is interesting to note that most Formula One engine manufacturers later followed a similar approach.
A comparison of DFV and CA engine weights wouldn’t necessarily be fair, as in addition to the reduction in capacity, the CA’s weight was mandated by the regulations, which specified a minimum dry weight of 95 kg. However, it is worth noting that the corresponding weight of the DFV would have been around 168 kg when it was first launched.
The regulations that governed the design of the CA also defined a minimum height of the centre of gravity from the bottom of the sump at 165 mm. As this figure was easily achievable on the CA, any weight-saving requirements were rendered unnecessary, hence extra material in the heads and cam covers could be used to improve the engine’s overall stiffness.
Cylinder Block Comparison
Cosworth CA and DFV Cylinder Blocks
The most striking difference between the cylinder blocks is in their respective sizes. The DFV block stands almost twice as high as that of the CA, due in part to the height of the sump. The distance from the crank centreline to the bottom of the sump for the DFV was more than 133 mm; for the CA that fell to just 58 mm (the minimum allowed by the regulations).
Some of this reduction was made possible by gradually miniaturising the bottom-end geometry over successive engine designs, such as shrinking the crank counterweights following the shift to bolt-on tungsten weights. Of equal significance was lowering the piston stroke (64.77 mm for the DFV versus 39.77 mm for the CA) thanks to an increase in cylinder bore size and a reduction in capacity.
There was a marked increase in bore size from the DFV to the CA, 85.67 mm for the DFV compared with the CA’s 98.0 mm, as dictated by the regulations. Despite this, the CA block is slightly shorter in length, as both engines have almost the same bore spacing. The distance between the walls of the bores could be reduced on the CA because it ran with coated parent metal bores, whereas the DFV block was an open-deck variant containing cast-iron cylinder liners.
Both blocks were cast from aluminium alloys, LM25 TF for the DFV and a similar in-house derived aluminium alloy for the CA. Cosworth actually experimented with magnesium cast blocks and cylinder heads for the DFV during the 1970s, but that was soon abandoned owing to the increased complications that came when using magnesium. In essence, the magnesium blocks and heads were problematic because of the large difference in thermal expansion coefficient values for the magnesium material, the steel main bearings and the nickel-aluminium bronze alloy valve seats.
Cylinder Head Comparison
Cosworth CA and DFV Cylinder Heads
Duckworth famously remarked that the DFV was the first race engine to incorporate a narrow included valve angle (the angle between the inlet and exhaust valves). At the time, rival engines had valve angles of around 60 degrees, but Duckworth sought to reduce this to give a shallower pent-roof chamber. The DFV was designed with an included valve angle of 32 degrees – compare this then to only 18 degrees on the CA.
Actually, the CA had compound valve angles, with both the inlet and exhaust valves also inclined 6 degrees apart along the crankshaft axis. The switch to a compound valve angle improved the shape of the combustion chamber on the CA, plus an opportunity to make a small increase in inlet and exhaust valve diameters.
Like the DFV, the CA cylinder head featured a separate cam carrier – in the case of the CA, this was necessary to be able to package the compound valve angles. The CA heads featured a pneumatic valve return system instead of conventional wire springs, which allowed the engine to run at such high speeds.
Piston Comparison
Cosworth CA and DFV Pistons
Thanks to the tightening up of the included valve angles in the cylinder head, the CA piston crown didn’t need deep valve pockets, as seen on the DFV. Instead, the crown was almost flat, with shallow pockets to clear the valve heads. The lack of sharp edges and pockets in the crown had a huge beneficial effect on good flame propagation and the elimination of detonation.
Piston material was largely unchanged from the DFV to the CA, thanks to the CA’s regulations banning the use of exotic materials such as aluminium beryllium and metal matrix composites. The DFV piston forging used a grade of RR58 aluminium alloy that had originally been developed by Rolls-Royce. By the time the CA was designed, Cosworth had already defined a confidential proprietary blend of aluminium alloy.
Another change that was quite noticeable when comparing the two pistons was the undercrown design, which on the CA was an elaborate arrangement of highly polished ribs and buttresses, optimised using various design techniques. The net effect was a piston that, although bigger on bore size, was almost half the weight of that from the first of the DFVs.
One other note was the amount of oil cooling supplied to the CA piston, via an array of squirt jets fed from the main oil gallery in the block. The correct cooling of the piston was a critical factor in achieving the required durability while also withstanding increased gas pressures and speeds.
DFV & CA Continuation
Whilst both engines might have ceased active service, they can still be heard roaring around race tracks today. The DFV is a popular engine for historic Formula 1 race categories, and some of the Formula 1 cars from the end of the V8 era are still being run by privateers with power from the CA.
Modatek actively supports customers with rebuilds of both engines, supplying genuine parts such as pistons, bearings, seals and countless other critical components. We even have an on-line shop for DFV parts.
There is nothing ‘plain’ about a plain bearing, especially when it comes to fluid film journal bearings, like those found on the crankpin and mains journals of the crankshaft. There have been continuous advances in crank bearing material, which enable bearings to last longer between rebuilds.
The first examples of journal bearings were made from Babbitt metal (sometimes also referred to as white metal), named after Isaac Babbitt who in 1839 developed an alloy to be used as a bearing surface in plain bearings. The exact composition was kept a closely guarded secret for a number of years, but was eventually disclosed as an alloy of lead, tin, copper and antimony. These days we tend to refer to any lead- or tin-based alloy material as a Babbitt metal.
Babbitt metals tend to be extremely soft, especially when compared to the hardened crankshaft journals. However, the composition of a Babbitt metal is a matrix of small, hard crystals contained in a softer metal. The aim is that, as the bearing wears, the softer metal yields and creates routes for the oil to pass through, improving lubrication and giving the bearing some degree of conformability.
Originally, a thin layer of Babbitt metal would be applied directly to the bore of the substrate material, but the need to periodically refurbish this surface led to the introduction of interchangeable steel or bronze shells onto which the Babbitt metal could be applied.
Thin Walled Bearings
The most famous example of the replaceable bearing shell that was first developed for high-performance engines was the Vandervell ‘thin-walled’ shell bearing. As the name suggests, the shell comprised a thin strip of steel that was rolled to create a semicircular shell, and the bearing material could then be coated onto the inner diameter, creating what was termed a bimetallic bearing. The steel backing was made from a high-strength steel alloy that allowed the bearing to be interfered into the rod and cap halves without yielding.
Today’s bearings still rely on a high-strength steel alloy backing in most cases, but here the similarities with their distant ancestors ends. Bearing manufacturers discovered that a steel-backed bearing combined with a thin Babbitt metal layer was prone to wear, reducing the time between bearing change intervals. If they wanted their products to last longer and be more reliable, they had to find a way of adding strength and wear resistance into the bearing. That thinking led to the introduction of a multi-layered bearing, which could provide the compromises needed between all the functions the bearing had to provide.
Bimetallic bearings were therefore usurped by trimetallic bearings, which are composed of a backing, a substrate (or lining) and an overlay. The substrate layer gave the bearing its load-carrying capability and provided resistance to wear and cavitation.
Bearing Material
The most common material for the substrate layer is a copper and lead alloy, which replaced the previous versions of tin-based Babbitt metals a number of years ago. Such alloys tend to consist of 20-40% lead, with the rest made up of copper and sometimes small amounts of tin, silver or nickel.
Vandervell (now part of the MAHLE group) created its own unique specifications for crank bearing material, characterised as strip-cast leaded bronze cast onto a steel backing plate, most notably VP1, VP2 and VP10, all of which have differing amounts of lead, tin and iron elements.
Overlay Material
Overlays used to consist of lead-tin or lead-indium Babbitt metals, but as with the substrate, there is now a plethora of different overlay material options available.
MAHLE state that the overlay provides three critical characteristics – conformability, compatibility and embeddability.
Conformability – in an ideal world, the bearing housing and the journal shaft would be infinitely stiff and the alignment of the shafts would be perfectly true. Of course, in the real world that is not the case: the cylinder block and con rod assemblies will flex as load is applied, and the crankshaft journals will twist and bend, albeit by imperceptible amounts in most cases. But it means the bearing material must be able to distort elastically in response to distortions of the mating parts.
Compatibility – it is almost impossible to prevent boundary and mixed lubrication conditions during low-speed running, so there will sometimes be metal-to-metal contact between the bearing’s running surface and the crankshaft journal. The chosen material for the surface of the bearing must therefore be compatible with that for the crankshaft journal. A poor combination of materials can lead to galling or even seizure.
Embeddability – even with the best filtration systems and oil additive treatments, there will always be minute foreign particles in the oil that the bearing will have to cope with. As a result, the overlay material of the bearing must be able to absorb or embed this debris in the surface, otherwise the particles will eventually score the surfaces of the bearing and the journal at high loads.
Bearings from Modatek
The original crankshaft journal bearings that were used by Cosworth on their early engines like the DFV were developed with Vandervell. Over subsequent years these bearings have proven to be reliable in a wide range of applications including Formula 1.
We continue to use bearings from Mahle, who took over Vandervell in 2007. We now stock a wide range of Mahle bearings, including rod and mains bearings for the Cosworth YB engine.
Have you ever wanted to take a peek inside a Formula 1 engine? Up until now the insides of a Formula 1 engine have remained a guarded secret – until now! Take a look inside one of the best engines from the mid-2000s, the Cosworth TJ.
We stock race-used parts from Cosworth’s TJ and CA engines that can be displayed for all to see. Just keep an eye on our Memorabilia section of our on-line shop to see what’s currently available. Each part can be bought directly from the website shop and delivered straight to your door.
The Cosworth TJ
The TJ was the first used by Jaguar Racing in 2003. The team continued to use this engine when they morphed into Red Bull in 2005. It also saw active service powering the Jordan and Minardi teams in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Its final year of racing was in 2006, when Torro Rosso (formally Minardi) ran the engine against the V8’s.
It was a clean sheet design, learning on the lessons from the successful CK engine that had been used by Stewart Grand Prix / Jaguar Racing from 1999 to 2002. There were several important concepts copied from the CK, such as the unique central-beam cylinder head philosophy.
The TJ received an extensive amount of development, eventually allowing the engine to reach a maximum speed of 19,000 rpm and peak power in the region of 900 bhp.
Last of its Era?
When it was introduced in 2003 the TJ was the epitome of the “anything goes” regulations from that era. Devoid of rules that restricted the number of engines that could be used by each driver, the emphasis was very much of extracting the maximum out of each engine in just one session or race.
It wasn’t uncommon back then for teams to get through over six engines in one weekend (and that’s not allowing for unscheduled engine changes!). As a result, engines like the TJ were designed with performance over reliability in mind.
Midway through the life of the TJ, rules aimed at extending engine life started to creep in. In 2004 the FIA introduced the “two race” requirement that each engine had to attain. Engines like the TJ that were designed for outright power and performance had to be re-engineered to last longer.
In addition, restrictions in later years on low density materials plus minimum weights and centre-of-gravity heights meant that the lightweight features seen on the TJ became redundant in subsequent engines.
In its final year of service with Torro Rosso in 2006, the TJ’s maximum engine speed was capped at 16,700 rpm amid fears that it would outpace the newly-introduced V8 engines (including the 20,000 rpm CA from Cosworth).
However, the TJ lives on, and can be seen (and heard) running in the back of numerous historic Formula 1 cars.
Modatek are pleased to be able to help keep these engines alive for historic race series and demonstration events. If you need assistance then get in touch.
Have you ever wondered what the green coating is on the skirts of some of our Cosworth pistons? If you have, then you are not alone! The coating is actually a fluoropolymer material that has the tradename Xylan, and Cosworth have been using this coating for a number of years on a wide range of parts, and not just the piston. Oil pump and scavenge pump bodies also received the Xylan treatment to help prevent wear from rotors.
Not all Cosworth pistons have this coating – pistons from earlier engines like the BDA, for example, were designed without any skirt coating. But the increases in piston speed in their race engines meant that some form of coating was necessary to help prevent scuffing of the skirts against the cylinder bore walls.
In the early ’90s Cosworth started to coat the skirts on pistons from several different race engine categories, including those destined for Formula 1 like this one from the race-winning HB engine (the coating also looks great when etched with the driver’s name!). Cosworth soon started Xylan coating nearly all of its race and high performance engine pistons, including the ones we sell today for the YB engine.
What is Xylan?
Xylan was developed by DuPont in 1969, primarily for kitchenware utensils as an alternative to Teflon. Its excellent wear properties meant that it was soon adopted by the automotive industry, where it found its way into numerous different applications.
Xylan is in effect a composite material comprising of a dry film lubricant contained in a matrix with high-temperature organic polymers. This creates what can be termed as a plastic alloy that has excellent surface characteristics and is easy to apply. Xylan has a very low coefficient of friction, so its perfect for the interface between the skirt and the cylinder bore. It also provides exceptional wear resistance, and quite often Cosworth would strip engines down and see that the Xylan coating was completely unmarked. This is in part due to another benefit of Xylan – it has excellent surface adhesion.
The Cosworth Process
As with any coating, good preparation of the substrate surface is vital. In the case of pistons, the skirts need to be completely clean and free of any oil. Once cleaned, the skirt area is masked off with special tape which can simply be peeled off after coating.
The piston xylan coating is then sprayed on in one of Cosworth’s special custom-made spray booths onto the skirt. Each pass of the spray adds around 5 microns, so the thickness can be carefully built up to the required level. Most piston skirts only need a couple of passes to get the thickness up to the required level of between 6 and 12 microns.
The pistons are then left to dry – normally this can take 24 hours. Once dry, the pistons are good to go, with no other treatment necessary.
If you’d like to know more about the Xylan coatings that Cosworth use on piston skirts then get in touch.
All of our Cosworth production pistons start life as a piston forging to ensure that they are as strong as possible.
Put simply, the forging process involves pushing a bespoke die under great pressure into the billet. As a result, the billet material flows into the required shape of the piston. The forging process gives us the finished machined shape in the undercrown. This reduces the amount of machining that is required. Further, the orientation and distortion of the grains in the material is optimised to give superior mechanical strength. Aligning the axes of the material grain in a certain way can have a significant impact on the structural properties of the piston.
Temperature Effects
Our pistons begin their life as a billet of extruded aluminium alloy bar. This billet is heated to a pre-determined temperature to ensure that the billet is soft, but not at melting point. When the billet is at the correct temperature, it is placed into the forge and shaped by the die. The forging temperature needs to be carefully controlled. This temperature will have a significant effect on the homogeneity of the microstructure. If there were localised changes in the billet temperature then this could lead to inconsistencies in the material properties of the finished piston. For example, if the die was cold then the outer surfaces of the piston would cool rapidly. This would lead to a varied grain structure in the finished piston.
Hence the die is heated to the same temperature as the billet, creating a process known as isothermal forging. This process that keeps the billet at its maximum elevated temperature throughout the entire forging operation. During the forging process, any cooling at the interface between the die and billet is eliminated, which can greatly improve the flow characteristics and hence the grain structure of the finished item.
If you’d like to know more about our genuine Cosworth pistons and how they can provide you with the performance and reliability that you need from your engine then please get in touch via our Contact page.
A number of Cosworth pistons have what Cosworth refer to ‘piston anti-detonation bands’, but what actually are they? The term anti-detonation is perhaps a bit of a misnomer, as these bands don’t actually stop detonation. Instead, these bands mitigates the effects of detonation.
Understanding Detonation
Before we take a closer look at these bands, what actually is detonation? It’s a phenomena that is commonly mentioned in the world of high performance engines, but it does sometimes get used incorrectly. Detonation is broadly defined as unwanted or abnormal combustion. It occurs when both the temperature and the pressure in the unburnt mixture of air and fuel exceeds a critical level.
In a normal combustion event the spark plug will ignite the air/fuel mixture inside the combustion chamber. This happens before TDC whilst the piston is travelling upwards. The ignition of the air/fuel mixture creates a flame front that spreads outwards, igniting more of the mixture and leaving behind the burnt gases.
However, in certain circumstances when the temperature is hot enough, the unburnt mixture that is furthest from the spark plug (towards the wall of the cylinder) will ignite before the flame front reaches it. This unwanted and uncontrolled combustion can happen almost instantaneously, setting up strong pressure waves that hit the walls of the cylinder. These shock waves create the distinctive pinging noise that can be heard and indicate the presence of detonation.
Cosworth Anti-detonation Bands
In the early ‘90s, one step that Cosworth took to reduce the effects of detonation was to introduce anti-detonation bands. These grooves are located above on the top land above the top ring groove. They are typically around 0.2 mm deep and 1.25 mm wide. Most pistons will have two, three or four of these grooves, depending on the height of the top land.
But these shock waves can also be extremely destructive – they can inflict damage to the piston crown and in particular to the area around the top land. If detonation is severe then ultimately the piston will be irrevocably damaged, with the potential of engine seizure.
There are a number of Cosworth pistons that have anti-detonation bands, ranging from those for the YB through to some of the more recent Formula 1 engines. Basically, any engine that will experience high cylinder pressures will benefit from the usage of anti-detonation bands.
The aim of these bands is to protect the top ring by disrupting any high-pressure pulse waves from detonation. The volume within these grooves, although small, allows a space for additional atomisation of the fuel and air mixture. When detonation occurs, this extra space provides an outlet for the shock waves.
These bands also bring about a couple of additional benefits. Firstly, they can prevent the build-up of carbon above the top ring which would otherwise cause the ring to stick in the ring groove. Secondly, they reduce the amount of contact between the top land the cylinder bore wall. This makes them very beneficial at high engine speeds and piston temperatures. Hence they are also occasionally referred to as “contact reduction grooves”.
The introduction of anti-detonation bands by Cosworth was another example of their experience and understanding of internal combustion engines. Indeed, when owned by Vickers, Cosworth actually patented their anti-detonation band design in the US, take a look here : https://patents.justia.com/patent/5267505
Want to know more about the range of Cosworth pistons that we supply? Then get in touch via our Contact Us page.
https://modatek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Piston-Anti-det-Band-scaled.jpg25602560Matthew Granthttps://modatek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Modatek-Logo-V3-Logo-for-Header-2-300x137.jpgMatthew Grant2023-07-01 14:40:072023-10-11 16:02:23PISTON ANTI-DETONATION BAND TECH
One of the most important aspects of any IC engine is the correct timing of the rotational movement of the camshafts relative to the reciprocating movement of the pistons. Any errors in this timing will result in detrimental performance, and could in the worst case lead to contact between the valves and pistons, which could prove to be both catastrophic and costly. There are a number of ways that this meticulously choreographed movement of valves can be achieved, such as with gears or chains. But one of the most common methods in a road car is with the use of a timing (or cam drive) belt. The timing belt is normally driven by the crankshaft, and then turns pulleys that drive the camshafts.
Timing Belt Construction
The majority of automotive timing belts are constructed from an elastomer body that contains tension cords, with a fabric backing and a tooth jacket.
Looking at these four ingredients one by one, then the first is the elastomer body. This is normally a high temperature spec rubber such as HNBR (hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber) or EPD (ethylene propylene diene). HNBR is more suited to engines, as it can handle exposure to lubricating oils. The elastomer body can sometimes be reinforced with aramid fibres, which help strengthen the belt and provide extra protection for the teeth. Aramid is a heat-resistant and strong synthetic fibre that is sometimes referred to by the tradename Kevlar. Our heavy duty belts for the YB engine contain this aramid reinforcement, which helps make them three times stronger than a conventional automotive timing belt.
The tension cords help to give the belt incredible levels of tensile strength without compromising on flexibility. Tension cords are typically manufactured from high-strength glass fibre, and the individual strands of fibre are bundled together and twisted for added strength. It is the presence of glass fibre that means that a timing belt should never be ‘crimped’, which is the action of over-bending or twisting the belt that then shears the glass fibres.
Next up we have the tooth jacket, which is a temperature-resistant polymide fabric that helps to protect the teeth from abrasion as well as shear forces. The last ingredient is the fabric backing, which is usually another type of polymide fabric. This fabric backing is used on the smooth face of the belt that will run against the belt tensioner, so resistance to abrasion and wear is a must for the fabric.
Toothed Belts
In the majority of cases the timing belt is driven by teeth on the belt that engage with matching teeth in the pulleys on the crankshaft and camshafts. It is these teeth that provide the accuracy in timing, and hence toothed belt drives are often terms ‘synchronous belts’, as the keep the movement of the cams in synch with the crankshaft.
Keeping the teeth engaged at all times is vital. If a tooth jumps out of position then this is called ‘ratcheting’ (some people might use stronger language when this happens!). It is normal for the belt teeth to try to escape from the adjacent teeth in the pulley – when this happens the belt tension increases, which pushes the teeth back together, but this can lead to long lasting damage of the tension cords inside the belt. Complete slippage of the belt teeth out of the pulley teeth usually happens because either the tooth engagement is poor, or because of lack of belt tension.
The profile of the teeth is an important factor for the performance of the timing belt, and there are generally three categories for the profile – trapezoidal, curvilinear or modified curvilinear. Curvilinear profiled belts are sometimes called High Torque Drive (HTD), and modified curvilinear profiled belts are often called Super Torque Drive (STD), S-type Tooth Profile Dual-sided (STPD) or GT.
Tooth Profiles
The trapezoidal profile is the oldest of the three, introduced over 80 years ago. The shape of the profile is a trapezium, with straight flanks that are angled inwards towards the tip of the tooth. When the teeth revolve around the pulley, these flanks create an involute curve that matches the involute tooth profile on the pulley.
One disadvantage with the trapezoidal tool profile is that it has sharp corners at the root of the tooth, and this can create high stress concentrations that can weaken the belt. To overcome this, the curvilinear has fully radiused corners, which helps to even out the stresses. Also, the curvilinear tooth profile is taller than the trapezoidal profile, making it more difficult for the teeth to jump out of position and also giving a larger contact area, which in turn helps to reduce both stress and noise.
The last of these three profiles, modified curvilinear, is today the most popular type with timing belt manufacturers. As the name suggests, this profile is based on the curvilinear profile, but has a shallower tooth height along with an increase in flank angle. These changes help to give the modified curvilinear profile the ability to withstand higher amounts of torque.
Cosworth Engine Belts
Want more information on the belts that we stock for Cosworth engines? Then get in touch via our contacts page.
https://modatek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Cosworth-20019488-Heavy-Duty-Timing-Belt-3.jpg425425Matthew Granthttps://modatek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Modatek-Logo-V3-Logo-for-Header-2-300x137.jpgMatthew Grant2023-02-01 14:55:592023-10-11 16:12:48TIMING BELT TECH
Our range of Cosworth YB pistons feature an offset gudgeon pin, which helps to reduce piston skirt wear and engine noise. To understand why, we have to consider the loads that the piston will experience.
When the piston moves up and down the bore the small end of the connecting rod will articulate forwards and backwards around the pin. This creates a loading on the piston that pushes the piston sideways. This side load varies with crank angle and is also different for each stage of the four-stroke cycle. The largest side load occurs during the power stroke, when there is a combination of inertia and gas loads that will push the piston sideways towards what is referred to as the major thrust side.
Side Loads
These side loads can have an extremely detrimental effect on the operation of the piston. For example, they can promote tilting or rocking of the piston in the bore, which in turn can increase wear at the top of the lands and at the bottom of the skirt. This type of movement can also create vibrations that are then radiated through the engine and can be heard outside the engine.
One way to reduce the major thrust side load is to offset the pin’s centre away from the cylinder bore centreline and towards the major thrust side. Even just a small offset can have a noticeable effect in reducing wear and noise during running.
If you’d like to know more about the science behind piston offset pin tech, or about the YB pistons that Cosworth makes exclusively for Modatek, then please get in touch via our Contact page.
A piston accumulator groove is one way that the sealing of the piston rings can be improved. But why is ring sealing so important?
At the centre of any internal combustion engine lies it’s beating heart. Pistons travel up and down the bore at immense speeds, sucking and expelling combustion gases in and out of the combustion chamber. The piston has to withstand the immense loads from inertia and gas pressure. But they also have to provide a stable housing for the sealing rings to function correctly.
The sealing rings have to stop the combustion gases from escaping from the combustion chamber and into the crankcase. They also must prevent oil from travelling in the opposite direction, from the crankcase into the combustion chamber. So its vital that the piston is designed to keep the rings in place at all times.
Good ring groove design is of course important, but there is another design trick that piston manufacturers can employ is with the usage of what is termed an accumulator groove – you’ll see one in our Cosworth YB piston for example.
Accumulator groove
Look closely between the top and second compression ring grooves and you’ll notice a very small groove. This groove is called an accumulator groove, and its job is to help to control the movement of the top ring.
It is inevitable that some combustion gases will escape past the top compression ring. This might be due to oversize ring gaps. Another reason is the unsettling of the top ring when the piston rapidly changes direction at TDC at high engine speeds. To combat this, the small additional volume in the accumulator groove reduces the pressure on the underside of the top ring.
This reduction in pressure is an effective method to reduce or eliminate unwanted ring flutter. This is a phenomenon that can have an adverse effect on engine performance and can potentially lead to high levels of blow-by. (Blow-by is the escape of combustion gases past the ring).
The reduction in pressure in the accumulator groove also has a beneficial reduction in pressure above the second compression ring. Stabilising both compression rings will improve the sealing performance of the rings.
Want to know more about the range of Cosworth pistons that we supply? Then get in touch via our Contact Us page.
Multi layer steel (MLS) head gaskets, like our popular Cosworth YB1429 head gasket pictured here, comprise of a number of layers of thin sheets of spring or carbon steel that sandwich the sealing material.
The upper and lower steel sheets contain a pressed beading. This beading runs around the perimeter of the bores and passageways to increase the local sealing capability. When the head fasteners are tightened, the beading deforms to create extra sealing pressure. This pressure ensures that the combustion gases, lubricating oil and coolant that transfer between head and block all stay away from each other and remain inside the engine. Ideally the deformation will be mostly elastic, so that the beading can adapt to changes in temperature and load. Most MLS gaskets including ours also contain an inner layer called a stopper that prevents plastic deformation of the beading.
Further, the top and bottom layers have an elastomer coating to reduce friction. This can help to prevent microscopic movement of the gasket. Without this coating, there could be damage to the gasket and the firefaces on the head and block.
Our YB1429 MLS head gasket was designed by the engineers at Cosworth and Victor Reinz. They wanted to create a superior gasket. They wanted one that would provide excellent sealing between the block and head for all of the high performance applications that the YB engine ends up in.